A Discovery Community is a developing group of people following Jesus Christ outside the walls of a church building and who are discovering Him as the way, the truth, and the life. They are a key element in disciple-making.

A team of believers launches a Discovery Community when they find a person of peace. Together they invite those within his or her circle of influence to gather and read the Bible.

This is Part 1 of the series Making Disciples through Discovery Community. You can read the series here:

Part 1: What Is a Discovery Community?
Part 2: Discovery Community – Suitable Name
Part 3: Discovery Community – Strategic Environment
Part 4: Discovery Community – Simple Meeting Format
Part 5: Discovery Community – Repeatable Rhythms

Today let’s consider some key elements.


There are people in the places where we live, work, learn, and play who wonder about the meaning of life. Discovery Communities allow them to discover first-hand what the Bible says about God, about people, and what it means to follow Christ. Here they can come to a saving relationship with Jesus and continue to grow in His likeness.


Discovering in a group is more effective than discovering alone. Jesus called and made disciples in a community environment where they experienced life with Him and each other. A Discovery Community is a group of people who have committed themselves to one another and to explore what God says in His Word.

Following Jesus

When people who are drawn to Jesus respond to His invitation to follow and spend time with Him in His Word, everything changes. This becomes an ongoing journey of discovering the riches of the gospel hidden in Christ.


A Discovery Community should grow beyond these initial stages to become a simple expression of the body of Christ located in the pocket of people in which it is planted. Within this community, disciples will be made, leaders will be equipped, the mission of Christ will be pursued, and new communities will emerge.

1 thought on “What Is a Discovery Community?”

  1. Just thinking, as I read this I was thinking about how long I have been a “go to church in a building person”. I was raised in that way, I was on church staff as a pastor for 40 years and either thru preaching or being preached to I know that we, or I am the church as Christ lives in me, but the thought of doing church a different way other than the traditional way we have been taught is hard to do. It isn’t hard because of theological disagreement it is hard because of years of habitual training to do it another way.
    Thanks for the teaching, insight and encouragement.

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