The cool, refreshing wind blew across our faces as we sat around the fire pit next to the lake. A small group of discovery community leaders had gathered to discuss ideas for moving forward after the disruption caused by COVID 19. But before we looked to the future, we spent some time looking back.

The group was asked the simple question, “Do you have any stories to tell about where you have seen God working in your life and in the lives of others in the past year?”

For more than an hour sisters and brothers in Christ told stories about the wonderful acts of our Father. What happened was delightful and amazing. In the beginning, some wondered if they had any stories to tell, but as a few began to relate the activity of God, the Holy Spirit started bringing things to mind.

There were all kinds of stories. Some told stories of hope and restoration. Others told stories of deliverance and victories. There were stories about families, neighborhoods, and virtual discovery communities.

As we listened to the stories of God’s activity in our lives and in the lives of others, we were transported beyond ourselves to see the hand and movement of God. Through tears and laughter, our bond as the family of God was strengthened. We were encouraged, challenged, and reminded that God never stops working.

We finally had to stop to move on to looking forward. With the hope of soon being able to meet face to face with our discovery communities, we discussed ways to reestablish and reaffirm the rhythms of linking, loving, listening, looking, and leaving.

Refreshing Others with Stories

The gathering outside beside the lake was not all that refreshed us. It was great, but the stories, oh the stories!

It only stood to reason that one of our takeaways was the need to have a story night when we are finally able to gather with our fellow discoverers. If what we had just experienced had moved, refreshed, and strengthened us so, we needed to give others the same opportunity.

What About Your Stories

Have you been wondering what God has been up to during the past year?

  • Stop and tell yourself some stories of God’s activity in your life and in the lives of others.
  • Plan a gathering with a group of fellow Christ-followers and start telling your stories to one another.
  • Prepare to be amazed as well as encouraged and challenged to move forward.

Grace and peace to you on your missional journey

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