How do you start your day?

Picture yourself as one of the first followers of Jesus. In your mind, see yourself walking with Him on the dusty roads of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. How would your day begin? Who would set the agenda? Who would decide where to go and what to do? You or Jesus? What would be required of you to know what the day’s plan was to be? How much would you rely on the presence of Christ?

We all wrestle with the question of how to follow Christ daily. The first disciples experienced the joy of the physical presence of Jesus, not so with us. But we do have the promise He made – “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20)

As a missional Christ-follower, you must intentionally live on mission and perceive the presence of Christ in the places where you live, work, learn, and play.

The ancient Israelites sang,

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 143:8 NIV

Before you step out on the untraveled paths of a new day, you should find time to practice the presence of Christ and take time to listen to His voice as you read the Bible and commune with Him in prayer. This will help heighten your awareness of His presence with you throughout the day.

One of the best ways to develop missional rhythms is through a Listening Place where you commune with God.

  • Set aside a time in a quiet space to link with God
  • Be still and express your love for the Father
  • Open the Bible and listen to His voice through scripture and prayer
  • Look with spiritual eyes to see where He is working in your life and in the lives of others
  • Leave to join Christ in His work and practice His presence throughout the day.

Practicing Christ’s Presence in a Listening Place

Do you have a listening place where you can practice His presence? 

If yes, do you go there and listen to God’s voice? 

If not, you need a time in God’s presence where you focus on becoming a mature follower of Christ. 

Here are some reasons why a listening place will help you practice the presence of  Christ.

1. It is a place of relationship

Even though it is beyond your ability to know why the great and Holy God makes it possible for you to come into His presence, the Creator God who made you longs to link with you.

The Heavenly Father pursues you and longs to speak so you can discover Him personally and so He can show you His love. In your listening place, you will get to know God and how He works. You will discover His character, His promises, and His plans. 

You need a listening place where you learn what His voice sounds like as you hear Him speak from His Word. Not only does He want you to listen to Him, but the Lord also listens to you as you share your heart’s deepest longings and needs.

2. It is a place to re-center on Christ

Distractions consistently move you to side roads following differing voices. Linking with God in your Listening Place is what helps you daily re-center on Jesus. 

Having a place to be still and listen to God eliminates the distractions around you and re-aligns you with God’s purposes. From here, you move out to pursue Christ’s mission in the world centered on Christ amid all the stuff it throws at you.

3. It is a place of renewal

Life is busy, demanding, and tiring and saps your strength. In the presence of Christ, you will find renewal, recharging, and refreshment.

4. It is a place of clarity

A time of quietness and listening will align your thoughts with who God says you are and to whom you belong. Here God will reveal to you your desires, talents, abilities, and weaknesses. As you lay hold of your identity in Christ, you will be reminded of how who you are leads to your mission.

5. It is a place to begin thinking intentionally

You will begin to think on purpose, and you will focus on pursuing the mission of Christ. As much as you might desire to stay with Him in this secure, still place, He asks you to leave and follow Him.

6. It is a place from which you emerge mindful of the presence of Christ

When you leave your listening place, you cross the daily threshold of the missional journey.

Fixing your gaze on Christ will keep you mindful of His presence throughout the day. Upon leaving, He goes with you, and He continues to speak in the listening place in your heart. As you look and listen, you have the opportunity to link with, listen to, and love others.

Do you think the conversation with Jesus ended once the disciples were on the road? No, the day was filled with His presence as they watched Him fulfill the mission of the Father. There were times of instruction, explaining parables, answering questions, demonstrating and declaring the Good News of the Kingdom.

God does not just call you to a feel-good time with Him in a comfortable place; He calls you into His mission.

As you shift from the quietness of the listening place to the busyness of the day, you will be more aware that Christ is always with you in every area of your life, every day.

Because you learn to hear God’s voice in the quiet place, you will be better equipped to listen to His voice above all the other voices that call out to you through the day.

If you look, God will open your spiritual eyes and show you where He is working in your life and in the lives of others, and invite you to join Him. You will begin to recognize the Father at work in the places where you live, work, learn, and play.

Practicing the presence of God in a listening place is a daily missional rhythm that keeps you aware of God’s mission and your part in it. 

How do you begin your day?

How do you live your days?

Do you daily practice the presence of Christ? 

Will you get quiet and focus on the presence of Christ and then join Him on the missional journey?

To help develop a listening place where you can hear God’s voice and increase your prayer life, download Discovering God in Your Listening Place and get missional tips, ideas, and inspiration delivered to your inbox.

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