What does it mean for a Christ-follower to live a missional life?

Some consider the first use of the term missional to be by Dr. Francis DuBose, a former professor at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, in a book titled God Who Sends published in 1983.

The word “missional” is the adjective form of the noun missionary and can be used to describe words like church, activity, characteristic, etc. It can also be used to describe the lifestyle of Christ-followers who embrace the identity of missionaries.

A missional Christ-follower is one who identifies himself or herself as a “sent-one’” and lives accordingly.

A missional Christ-follower is one who identifies himself or herself as a “sent-one” and lives accordingly.

Missional is a lifestyle

Missional is a lifestyle. It is not adding some new activity to an already overcrowded schedule. It is about intentionally pursuing the mission of Christ in the everyday rhythms of life.

We sometimes have difficulty connecting the words mission and missionary with everyday living. Our church vocabulary has given the image that a missionary is someone who has a specialized job and who travels to some distant location to pursue the work of God. We tend to think of mission as being something so important that we can’t connect it with the everyday routines of our lives.

But, being missional is being a missionary everywhere you are – in the places where you live, work, learn, and play. Our mission field is not far away, it’s in the routine of our daily lives.

Alex Absalom writes:

“Every Christian is a missionary sent to carry the hope we’ve found back to the places we live, work and play. We do this by actively loving our neighbors – those we are living next to (at home, work, school, the gym, etc.) – through intentional blessing and sharing with the hope we have found in Christ”

Why live missionally?

Because we are called to follow a missionary God.

How do we live missionally?

By coming along side people and engaging the them the same way Jesus did.

Missional Challenge

Ask yourself daily in your regular routines of life “Who has God sent me to love?” And, “How can I share the hope I’ve found in Christ with those among whom I live, work, learn, and play?

Grace and peace to you on your missional journey

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