The calendar flipping over to a new year makes us think of new beginnings. Some make New Year’s resolutions; some write New Year’s goals; others simply think about doing some things differently.

I read a challenging Facebook meme that reminded me to consider some missional changes in my life in the coming year. The title of the post was, “This Year I Want To Be More Like Jesus!” and it was followed by a series of bullets enumerating specifically what that might look like.

A Goal for 2020

Let me share a few of my thoughts that were sparked by the meme.

God doesn’t want you to simply have more information about him. He desires your transformation into the image of Christ.

Growing in the likeness of Christ is the ongoing process of your transformation, evidenced in your actions and conduct. This happens as you mature in your personal relationship with God.

But it goes beyond this individual element. You should also grow into Christlikeness in your relationship with others within the body of Christ and with those you encounter in the world.

Here are some things to remember.

1. Spiritual transformation is the work of God

While you have a responsibility to do your part to grow in Christ, never become so vain to think that you have the power to change yourself. Spiritual Growth is a shared project between you and God. You work, but you do so according to the power Christ gives to you (Colossians 1:29). Just as in your own strength, you are powerless to be saved; you are also powerless to grow.

2. Spiritual transfomation is a life-long journey

Spiritual growth is an ongoing process that requires time as you are transformed more and more to resemble the one you are following.

3. Spiritual transformation happens and is evidenced in the everyday rhythms of life

Jesus formed disciples by choosing a group of followers and lived life with them. Spiritual maturity is an organic process that is developed and lived out in the everyday ebb and flow of life.

4. Spiritual transformation is the result of obedience

Transformation occurs when you discover God’s truths and live in obedience to what the Spirit reveals to you.

5. Spiritual transformation is best formed in community

The journey of growing in the likeness of Christ is best nurtured in community as you find encouragement, correction, and example from fellow travelers.

6. Spiritual transformation is not linear

Life is messy, and so is spiritual formation. God works in different people in different ways. Growing in Christ does not take place in a predictable pattern.

7. Spiritual transformation results in missional living

As you are transformed more and more into the image of Jesus you move out and pursue the Father’s mission.

Building on the Goal

Now, back to that challenging Facebook meme. It expanded the goal by listing some bullet points. What specific points would you put under a goal like that?

  1. Make disciples
  2. Spend more time in prayer
  3. Listen more to the Father

Well, that meme was a little revolutionary and it challenged me. I’ve revised them a bit for my own list, and if you want to be a little radical with me, how about…

  • Let my Bible studies become Bible doings
  • Hang out with people on the margins – the broken, the forgotten, the lonely
  • Rub shoulders with sinners so they might be delivered from sin
  • Upset self-righteous, religious people
  • Tell stories and ask questions that make people think
  • Choose unpopular friends
  • Be kind, loving, and merciful
  • And because Jesus went to sleep in the back of a boat – Take naps on boats

Grace and peace to you on your missional journey

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