We are well aware that our world is not a peaceful place. We see the inhumanity of man to man, woman to woman, nation to nation, and people group to people group. Is it any wonder that we long for peace?

Advent means “coming” or “arrival” and is the four week season before Christmas Day. It is a time of waiting, anticipating, and longing. Advent links the past, the present, and the future.

Longing for Peace is the second study from Isaiah in our Advent series. Isaiah lived in tumultuous times as people longed for righteousness and justice. Use this discovery lesson individually, with your family, or with your discovery community/small group to focus on God’s promise of peace in a world that knows too much of violence, hatred, and anxiety.

Previous Studies
Week 1: Longing for Hope at Christmas

Longing for Peace at Christmas

Advent is about waiting and longing for the coming of what seems impossible.  Isaiah gives us a picture of a time when peace will be ushered into a world through a promised King.

Link and acknowledge God’s presence in prayer

Glorious God, in expectation of the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, I long for Your peace. May it spread through me and all the nations of the world. In Your name, amen.

Listen to God’s Word

Isaiah 10 ends with the image of the destruction of Israel and Judah as a devastated forest, with only stumps remaining. Yet out of the stump of Jesse, the father of King David, a shoot will emerge. A good and righteous King will reign and bring peace to the earth.

Read Isaiah 11:1-10 with purpose

Take your time and read the Isaiah 11:1-10 at least three times, listening for the things that draw your attention.

Discover Peace

  • Where, in your life, are you longing for God’s peace today?
  • In this passage, what will characterize this future king of Isaiah’s prophecy?
  • Who in our world today needs the fairness and justice this king will bring?
  • How is our world different from the things that characterize the kingdom pictured here?
  • How does this passage offer peace in anticipation of the Savior’s birth?
  • How does this passage offer peace in anticipation of Christ’s second coming?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • What does this passage tell us about people?

Look and examine your own life

Is there anything you need to do differently to be obedient because of what you discovered in this passage?

Leave to be on mission with Christ

  • What have you discovered about God’s mission?
  • How can you display the “knowledge of God” so others can receive a foretaste of the peace that God offers?
  • Who can you tell about the good news you discovered?

Love and worship God

Worship and listen to O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

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