Longing for love is woven into the fabric of Christmas, as seen by the romantic movies that abound during the season, but our ultimate need is for the unending love of God to fill our empty hearts.

Advent is the four week period leading up to Christmas. It is a time of waiting that helps to slow us down as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and on to His second coming.

Longing for Love is the fourth study from Isaiah in our Advent series. As we anticipate Christ’s birth, Advent reminds us of God’s promises that the love we all yearn for will arrive. Use this discovery lesson individually, with your family, or with your discovery community/small group to focus on God’s promise of love as we wait in times of injustice, loneliness, and isolation.

Week 1: Longing for Hope at Christmas
Week 2 Longing for Peace at Christmas
Week 3: Longing for Joy at Christmas

Longing for Love at Christmas

Have you ever experienced a time of need and someone came to you, and you felt God’s love through them? Our Advent text today reminds us that God comes to us with love.

Link and acknowledge God’s presence in prayer

Father, cleanse me and prepare me for the coming of Jesus. I open my heart to Your love and the love You have for everyone in my circle of influence.

Listen to God’s Word

In chapter 40, Isaiah reminds the people that God has not abandoned them. He declares that low and high places will be leveled, providing a road on which the coming Messiah will demonstrate His love.

Read Isaiah 40:1-11 with purpose

Take your time and read Isaiah 40:1-11 at least three times, listening for the things that draw your attention.

Discover Love

  • In what areas of your life do you need to experience the love and tenderness of God?
  • How does this passage describe the ways God will demonstrate His love?
  • What barriers keep people from knowing the love of God?
  • What needs leveling in your life?
  • How does this passage offer God’s love in anticipation of the Savior’s birth?
  • How does this passage offer God’s love in anticipation of Christ’s second coming?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • What does this passage tell us about people?

Look and examine your own life

  • Is there anything you need to do differently to be obedient because of what you discovered in this passage?

Leave to be on mission with Christ

Love and worship God

Worship and listen to Light of the World.

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