As we approach Christmas 2020, do you feel weary? Mental health professionals talk about pandemic fatigue, evidenced by anxiety, sadness, and weariness. The celebration of Christmas in this season of Coronavirus brings even more grief. But we must not forget the Christmas message of hope, peace, joy, and love.

The season of Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas Day and concludes with the arrival of God’s good news in the birth of Jesus. It anticipates Jesus’ first coming and His second coming. It is a time of longing, waiting, and anticipation, which is very appropriate for us in the year 2020.

Isaiah has been called the Prophet of Advent or the Prophet of Christmas. Writing centuries before the incarnation, he prophesied in a time of national turmoil, social unrest, and spiritual longing.

During Advent, Isaiah’s longing becomes our longing. Isaiah’s yearning for God’s deliverance is our yearning. The following is the first of five discovery lessons from Isaiah that you can use individually, with your family, or with your discovery community/small group.

Week 1: Longing for Hope

Isaiah offers God’s hope in the middle of calamity, chaos, and distress. There is a day coming when God will act.

Link and acknowledge God’s presence in prayer

Heavenly Father, in Your name, thank you for the hope that You bring at Christmas. May it reach into my life and the lives of people in the nations of the world.

Listen to God’s Word

Isaiah tells us that there will be a time when God will draw all people and nations to himself. 

Read Isaiah 2:1-5 with purpose 

Take your time and read the Bible passage at least three times, listening for the things that draw your attention. 

Discover Hope 

  • How does this passage offer hope in anticipation of the Savior’s birth?
  • How does this passage offer hope in anticipation of Christ’s second coming?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • What does this passage tell us about people?

Look and examine your own life

  • Is there anything you need to do differently to be obedient because of what you discovered in this passage?

Leave to be on mission with Christ

  • What have you discovered about God’s mission?
  • Who can you tell about the good news you discovered?
  • How can you walk in God’s light today?

Love and worship God

Worship and listen to Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus.

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