A Discovery Community Story:

A nine-year-old boy was the first to read from the printed sheet, which contained several verses to lead us to reflect on God’s love for us, our love for God, and our love for others. As he finished 1 John 4:19, his brother, age 11, followed almost immediately, reading John 3:16-17.

Fellowship with One Another

Ten years ago, I was providing leadership for a network of simple churches (what I would now call Discovery Communities). They met at a local retreat center where we shared some fun games and spent some time in worship. Ranging in ages from 23 months to 60 years, we sat in a circle as the Spirit of God spoke to us and through us. I sat in awe with my face beaming as I observed God’s one another family responding to His presence among us.

A few of the adults told some stories about where they were seeing God at work in their lives. Others led the group in singing a few songs and choruses which were prompted from the scripture passages. A 23-month-old danced and clapped as we sang Father I Adore You.

A young woman in her early twenties said that she was suddenly reminded of a scripture song she learned as a young girl but could not remember the tune. As soon as she finished quoting the words, three other women were singing it, teaching it to the group. Some shared stories about memorizing scripture songs as children. Another young mother played her guitar, and we worshiped as she sang from her heart.

Instructing One Another

A four-year-old sitting in his uncle’s lap was learning from his elder in Christ. He pointed to a scripture passage on the handout and indicated that he wanted to read. He repeated two or three words at a time as his uncle read the passage…

The Father himself…The Father himself
loves you…loves you
you have loved me…you have loved me
have believed…have believed
that I came from God…that I came from God
John 16:27 NIV

Praying with and for One Another

In closing, I asked if three people would pray. Without hesitation, a man in his 50s opened with praise for the love God has shown us and that we were able to respond to that love. The nine-year-old who read at the beginning chimed in thanking God for loving us first. Our hearts joined his as he prayed the scripture passage he and his brother had read earlier. A young father of two closed with a confession for himself and all of us about our lack of being aware of opportunities to love others.

Join the Conversation:

Biblical community connects people in relationships that lead to spiritual transformation.

What are some of the benefits of participating with one another in this fashion?

Are you part of a small community of Christ-followers where you have the opportunity to practice “one anothers” of the New Testament?

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithfull stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10 NIV

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