When one studies scripture, it becomes evident that God is a sending God. He sends His people to accomplish His mission.

In the Gospel of John alone, either from John’s stories about the things Jesus was doing or from Jesus’ own lips, there are near 40 references to Jesus being sent.

Jesus not only sees himself as one sent, but also as one who sends. He commissions His followers with this declaration, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (John 20:21).

God’s people are a sent people

Christ-followers draw their identity from Jesus, the one they follow. And as He was sent, they are sent. Among other things, they are sent, both individually and collectively, to declare and demonstrate God’s Good News to a broken world. They are God’s servants, carrying the message of the cross.

The Father is always working, and He sends His people to join Him in His work in the places where they live, work, learn, and play.

This is the missional path.

Grace and peace to you on your missional journey

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