I want to invite you to take a remarkable journey with a group of fellow travelers. On this journey, you will listen to the call of Jesus. You will discover more about your identity in Christ and the mission on which He sends you on the everyday roads of life.

On this journey, you will explore values that that missional Christ-followers must embrace if missional practices and rhythms are to be formed.

…Remain Centered on Christ – 1 Corinthians 2:2

The identity and life habits of a missional Christ-follower must be firmly centered on the leader, Jesus Christ. Paul set the example when He declared, “For me to live is Christ.”

…Celebrate Christ in Community – Acts 2:42-47

Missional life is best lived in the context of community with fellow travelers. You are not called to follow Christ alone. Christian community is the best argument for the Christian faith.

…Pursue the Mission of Christ – Luke 4:17-19

Those who follow Christ are called to bless others and carry out God’s mission of reconciliation and redemption in the world. This mission is pursued in the everyday rhythms of life in the places where you live, work, learn, and play.

…Grow in the Likeness of Christ – 2 Corinthians 3:18

Focusing on Christ leads to being transformed more and more into His likeness. Your Christlikeness influences your relationship with your fellow travelers and with those you encounter in the world.

…Make Disciples of Christ – Matthew 28:19-20

Missional Christ-followers take seriously the commission of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples and reach pockets of people with the gospel.

Missional Challenges

From time to time, you will be called to action to move you from theory to practice.

Your Next Steps
  1. Register to receive the latest posts with email delivered straight to your inbox.
  2. Join others by commenting on the content you read here.
  3. Spread the word by sharing on social media.
  4. Invite others to join you on this journey

Grace and peace to you on your missional journey

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