As we enter a new year, we have several options when we consider moving out missionally to touch the lives of others. 

  • Do nothing (this would be inconsistent with our mission)
  • Try to share in our own strength (this is a recipe for failure)
  • Ask God to do in and through us what we cannot do in our own power (this is the only way get the job done) 

Sometimes we hesitate to pray for ourselves. Maybe we feel guilty asking for things. Perhaps we fall into the trap of doing things on our own rather than in the power of God’s Spirit. 

Peter Wagner, in On the Crest of the Wave, writes,

“…all the carefully planned mission strategy in the world will be of no avail unless it is activated by divine power. According to our records, the very last words Jesus spoke to His disciples before He left this earth were: “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Peter Wagner, On The Crest Of The Wave

Nine Missional Prayers for the Journey

While the list of things we could pray for this year is almost endless, here are nine short prayers that will help keep you focused on your missional journey. 

  1. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and the power He gives to be a witness to those in my circle of influence. (see Acts 1:8)
  2. Lord of the harvest, open my eyes that I might see the ripe fields around me. (see John 4:35)
  3. Transforming Christ, let others see that my old life is gone and I am new in You as a sign that You can reconcile and transform anyone. (see 2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
  4. Master, break my heart for those in my circle of influence who do not know You as Lord and Savior. (see Romans 9:1-3)
  5. Father, fill my mouth with Your words that I might boldly share the mystery of the Good News. (see Ephesians 6:19-20)
  6. Jesus, thank You for choosing me and sending me out to bear fruit that will last. Give me a bountiful harvest. (see John 15:16)
  7. Lord, may I shine like a lighted city on a hill so others see You in my life and are drawn to You. (see Matthew 5:14-16)
  8. Father, open doors of opportunity for me to share Your message, and may I share it clearly. (see Colossians 4:2-4)
  9. Jesus, it is my desire to join You on Your mission of seeking and saving those who are lost. (see Luke 19:10)

Missional Challenge

  • Download the printable, 9 Missional Prayers for the Journey, and place it where you will see it throughout your day.
  • Use it as a bookmark for your daily Bible readings.
  • Share a copy with a friend.
  • Copy them to your prayer journal.
  • Pray these prayers for yourself.
  • Find a partner and pray them for each other.
  • Move out and join the Father on His mission.


What’s on your prayer list?

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